What is Dynamic Spin Release?
by Kris Hallbom
Dynamic Spin Release™ is a revolutionary approach consisting of dozens of techniques and processes– that allows users to release their negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, unconscious conflicts, and physical pain in as little as eight minutes. Dynamic Spin Release techniques are practical, easy to use with yourself and others, and work well with kids.
An elegant synthesis of hypnosis, NLP, and the psychology of metaphors and symbols–– Dynamic Spin Release™ uses the universal principle of spin to accelerate the process of change and transformation. Spin is an intrinsic property of everything in our world. Just as the earth rotates around the sun and the moon circles around the earth, our thoughts, feelings and beliefs have a certain spin quality to them, as well. By aligning the transformation process with the inherent order and flow of the universe, Dynamic Spin Release™ eliminates resistance to change, thus making transformation fun and easy.
Created by Tim and Kris Hallbom, Dynamic Spin Release™ processes are intuitive, practical, and easy to learn and use.
In what areas of life can this approach be used, and what are the benefits?
Dynamic Spin Release™ works well for solving problems and for shifting negative states, as well as for enhancing the positive situations in your life. Here are some of the most common benefits reported by Dynamic Spin Release™ users and practitioners around the world:
- Easily shifts negative thought patterns, physical pain, and feelings
- Relieve the pain and discomfort of physical ailments such as headaches, colds, or chronic injuries
- Quickly go into deep meditative states
- Resolve internal conflicts about decisions and situations you face … so you enjoy greater peace of mind
- Energize yourself when you’re feeling tired
- Release disturbing images or experiences that get stuck in your head
- Easily create and maintain personal states of excellence
- Identify and transform the unconscious critical voices and negative self-talk that keeps you from being your best
- Release the unconscious stories that are keeping you from having what you want
- Spot the conscious – and unconscious – limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck
- Enhance the effectiveness of other change techniques that you’re already using
- Add more fun and happiness in your life
Can Dynamic Spin Release™ be done with children?
Yes, it’s easy to teach them, fun to use … and most of all, it leverages their natural creativity and imagination. By using Dynamic Spin Release™ with the children in your life, you’ll be able teach them a practical tool to control their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs – and their results.
How do I get training in Dynamic Spin Release™?
How do I become a Certified Dynamic Spin Release™ Trainer?
Note: While Dynamic Spin Release™ has produced remarkable results in many people, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Tim and Kris Hallbom are not licensed health professionals, and they use Dynamic Spin Release™ as personal performance coaches. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of Dynamic Spin Release™.